Useful information and FAQ

Our Guarantee-

All of our products are handmade and one of a kind.  There will definitely be minimal imperfections in most of the products.  That is what adds to the character.  We guarantee our products from breakage for 6 months after the date of purchase (with your emailed receipt).  We value you as a customer and want to hear from you, so please contact us and let us know how we are doing.


Most of our rings listed are a specific size.  If you want another size, PLEASE add a note to your ring order or contact us ASAP.  We can make most all the rings in sizes 6-12, and half sizes.  We want you to be comfortable and order just the right piece of jewelry for you!


Bodiebound does NOT, under any circumstances, knowingly sell or ship knives to anyone under the age of 18 years old.


We calculate shipping by handling and weight.   For all items we will weigh the product/calculate shipping cost, and list it accordingly.  

 If your package arrives damaged hold on to all the packing materials and contact us.  

If you do not receive your package, please use the tracking number emailed to you during your purchase to track the package via USPS.  Contact USPS if you need further information.

In stock vs. creating your purchase-

All the items on our website we have in stock and can be shipped very quickly after purchased.  If we have to create your amazing product, it may take more time.  Remember, it's all handmade! Thank you for understanding and waiting for your one of a kind item!